Wednesday, July 31, 2013

That's it, You Pinned it: 6 Favorite Pins

If you don't have a Pinterest account, get on it!

NOW! I am addicted, see here.
There are so many creative, inspiring, beautiful things for you to soak up!
It is my #1 place I go when I need to get the right side of my brain moving at an acceptable rate, lol.
Just to get you over there quicker, here are my current favorite many? Uh...6 is good.

Oh, Pinterest, how I love thee...Let me count the ways...
Buttery. Sweet. Dense. Delicious. Pound Cake
Trying to get my fashionista activated. Love this style!
Must have...
Michael Ealy. This man...Thank ya, Lord!
Yes, the groom is wearing goggles as he goes to retrieve the garter! These pics are a MUST SEE!
Love her curls but mostly her pose! Just quirky and fun!

Inspiration Taken: Be you! No matter how quirky, silly, dramatic, or delicious!

Nicole Charnel

Do you have a Pinterest account yet?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Goal: Website & Career

To personal goals I am setting up for myself for 2014, 5 months from now:

  1. Create my Website
  2. Figure out my Career
Website for what? Well I think I have figured it out...maybe...but I don't want to disclose it because I haven't finalized what I want it to be exactly. But it will have to do with building a 'brand' and tie in with my CAREER.

But don't you already have a career? No, I have a job.
I want to do something I really love. Something I look forward to and can provide for my family with.
I have some ideas in mind...Photography...Child Care...Bakery...
THE SKY IS THE LIMIT, TO WHAT I CAN HAVE! (Do you know that song?)'s in the works...STAY TUNED!

Nicole Charnel

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Flat Stomach: Week ? Update (Return of FOCUS)

That's what I need.
I definitely fell off the wagon a bit. Thankfully it was only with my exercise. My eating habits are still on the healthy side. Keeping that up has helped me keep my weight off without exercising.
But now that I have gained some FOCUS, I am back on my exercising!

I didn't want to have the time to start back up with Insanity. I truly do miss the cardio though, so I am going to have to find another way to incorporate it back in my routine.

Instead of a tape, I decided to do a 30-Day Challenge.
If you are into social media at all, you will have seen at least one of these challenges.

Since I'm trying to achieve a flat stomach, of course I went with an ab challenge.

Of course there were a TON to choose from. But I chose this one because I already knew how to do all the techniques, lol. [Really tho, what is a 'Russian Twist'?]

I started this challenge last Wednesday, the 17th. Strange to start a challenge on a Wednesday...naw.
So far, I am doing well. And of course I like the convince of being about the do the workout whenever I get a chance.
Gives me freedom.
11 days in, so far so good.

Nicole Charnel

Have you done any of these social media challenges?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer Wishlist

I saw this 'wishlist' post on another blog that I read often and I really liked the idea!
I tend to just right down things like this in my notebook anyway. Mostly it is an item with a purpose. And then there is just those randoms things, LOL!
So I thought, why not share? ENJOY!

HAIR HOOKS: I have seen these in a few natural hair videos and I think they would be great for when I have my marley twist in. I always have trouble putting them in a pony.

TRIPOD: Since I have a natural hair blog and and I am trying to have an efficient YT channel, I want to be able to make the best videos I can. A tripod will be a great help.

DIY EARRING HOLDER: I saw this a couple weeks ago on Pinterest and I have been wanting to make my own ever since! As soon as I get the time (and push aside my worries of failing, lol) I am going to make my own!

NEW BEDDING: My current comforter, was originally my brothers. Enough said.

MAKEUP ORGANIZER: I have recently gotten into doing my makeup more often. Which has caused me to purchase more brushed, palettes, kits, etc. I need to get it organized, STAT!

VIDEO LIGHTING: Did I already tell you I have a natural hair YT channel with my cousin? Yea, check it out here!

Nicole Charnel

See something you like and already have on your wishlist? 

Don't forget to keep up with me! Subscribe!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Strange Desire to Thrift

I have this strange desire to become a thrifter...
It is probably all the the YouTube videos. These new-age fashionista's out here can create a beautifully glam outfit and half the items are from the THRIFT STORE!
Then they have to never to brag like "This dress only cost $8 at Goodwill"!
Yea...I need to be on this bandwagon! LoL

My luck, I will find nothing...Hopefully the 'strange desire' will subside.

Nicole Charnel

When you go clothes shopping, is the thrift store one of your stops?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

SPS: Twisted Up Bun

Hey loves!
Summer's getting hot and still going strong. That means I'm still in my Summer of Protective Styling, three styles down.

My first two styles were Marley twist. You can see how they turned out here and here.
My third protective style was inspired by a natural hair vlogger, Jouelzy.
She has a couple of video's on her YouTube channel where she styles her hair in a bun with marley braid extensions (posted below).
So I decided to reuse the marley hair that I just took out of my twist and make my own bun updo.

Only problem is, my hair is cut in a bob (short in the back, long in the front). So I cannot pull my hair in the pony tail. You may be asking yourself, 'How did she do a bun updo??".
Watch my styling tutorial below and see how I achieved the "Twisted Up Bun".

Thanks for watching!
If you like this video and are interested in seeing more creative styles, make sure you hit that like button!
Share and subscribe as well!!


Here are the video's I used as inspiration.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Camera Roll Cleanse

I love taking pictures.
I am definitely not a photographer but I will snap a cute shot or a silly one in a heartbeat.
This leads to a packed 'Camera Roll' on my iPhone so I have to clean it out often.
Below are some pics from my most recent cleanse, enjoy!

For more beautiful, cuteness, and randomness, follow me on the IG!

Nicole Charnel

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cheers to the Natural Hair Weekend

Hey, loves!!
How was your weekend?
Mine...was...GREAT! LoL!
Starting with a new (to me) car.

Followed by The Black Hair Kitchen Expo.

So much fun! So many products! So many familiar faces and beautiful hair!
(Check out my natural hair blog for more pics and recap video)

Finished things up with a blessed day at church and an afternoon on chill.
Yes, this was a weekend for the books! Truly enjoyed every second of it.

I'm always sad when I have to take my makeup off at the end of the night, lol

Nicole Charnel

How was your weekend?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend Mornings & Requests Made

Saturday & Sunday mornings, I love.
Most of them are the same, but that's cool with me.

Nattie wakes me up around 6:30 because she's hungry (or has stunk up her room, lol).
Make bottle.
Feed the munchkin.
Then she does something amazing...lays on my bed quietly and drifts back to sleep.
Yup, you read it right. She usually goes back to sleep with me. Sometimes she just lays there and looks at me or talks to me. Most of the time tho, her big browns drift close and I get another two hours.
Sweet, sweet Saturday mornings...

Two hours later I am once again awaken by a small person.
D usually wakes up round 8:30 and ALWAYS has a strange request.

This Sunday, it was "Mommy. I want superheros....and grapes."
Superheros: He wants to watch the movie "The Incredibles".

I love weekend mornings.

Nicole Charnel

Friday, July 12, 2013

Natural Hair: Event this weekend

I am so excited for this hair event this weekend in D.C.
My main source of excitement is I really want to meet the blogger/vloggers that are going to be at the event and hosting.


Kala from The K.G. Lifestyle

Jess from MahoganyCurls


YAY! So pumped!!
Anyway, info is below. You can still buy tickets if your interested!

Black Hair Kitchen Expo

Saturday, July 13, 2013
General admission: $30

Washington Post Conference Center
1150 15th St NW (between M St & L St by McPherson Sq.)
Located in Downtown Washington, DC, the Washington Post Conference Center is part of the Washington Post DC headquarters.

Walking distance from the Delta Sigma Theta National Convention.
Celebrating the DIVERSITY of Black Hair Care. 

Vendors::Workshops::Seminars::Vlogger Meet & Greets for Relaxed/Natural/Hair Extensions/Lifestyle and Beauty!
Featuring MahoganyCurlsLover4FashionTheKGLifeStyleJouelzy & performance by Kiah Victoria!

If you miss it, me and my cuzzo will be vlogging/blogging and sharing our recap on our natural hair blog, The Natural Brownies-Our Journey to Natural Hair.

Later days,
Nicole Charnel

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flat Stomach Update: Failing

Yea, you read it right.
I am FAILING at my goal.
Capital F A I L behind a capital E P I C.

No excuses.
Just failure.

Now I have acknowledged the step, make a change. Fix it and then get back on track.
But how?

Nicole Charnel

How do you start your routine back up after you fall off?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Just Don't Feel Like...

I know you have had a day like this.
A day that yiu think is going to be normal...just another day.
But as the hours past, nothing goes well.
You find yourself in an attitude.
Faking the funk, putting your best face forward...all while on the inside...
You just don't feel like dealing with any of it.

Of course as a mother, and a woman for that matter, I can just shut everything off.
But I want to.
Just for a moment, just not deal with it.

I KNOW you have had a day like this.
Unfortunately for me, my most recent day like this was 4th of July.
A day for family, fun, and laughs.
But for me, it had been pushed aside in my mind and not treated with respect.

I just didn't feel like it that day...just didn't feel like dealing...

Nicole Charnel

What do you do when you find yourself in a mood like this?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Random: Subscription Boxes

Do you know what a subscription box is?
A subscription box is a monthly box that is delivered to you in exchange for a fee. Depending on the company you sign up with, you can get nail polish, makeup, hair care products, beauty products, etc.
A box full of (most of the time) sample or (sometimes) full size goodies that can give your makeup routine some variety. Or give you nail collection some pop. Or introduce you to some products that you never knew existed.
Yea...its real.
And I am just finding out about this!!
Smh...I have been missing out.

Now that I am finally in to loop, I can jump on this S.B. train and ride to my hearts content! LoL!
Tragic, I know. But how am I resist this opportunity? I cant...nope, don't try and explain or give me good reason (LoL) it won't work.

So I am currently attracted to two subscriptions: Julep and Ipsy.
Julep (or Maven Box) is for nail polish and beauty products.
Ispy (or Glam Bag) is for make up and beauty.

You start off by taking a quiz and then the results match up your style and the best products to go with your style.
I like this idea. I suppose that is the purpose...for people to like it. Nonetheless, I have to point out that I enjoy the idea that based on what I tell them I like, they are going to pick out and send me products that fit me.

Since I am trying to be my own personal nail tech, I think I am going with the Julep box first. Also, they have a coupon code for a free box. Win-Win.
I'll be sure to update and let you know how it turns out...if subscription boxes are worth the money you pay for them.

Nicole Charnel

Do you get any subscription boxes?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Nails: Lavender Love

Lavender has never been a color to entice me.
Purple...yes. Lavender though...not so much.
But for some reason, now that I am back to being my own nail tech, lavender was on my list to buy.

So the hunt began! And it took me about 3 trips but I finally found a lavender that gave me some life, lol.
Covergirl's Outlast Stay Brilliant

A creme based polish. Light purple, white undertone. Nice and fresh.
Here is what it looked like on me...

Left: with a flash; Right: without a flash

What I loved about this color is how it made my hands look young. Also had me feeling 'springy'...even though we are into summer, lol. Guess I need to invest in some summer colors, huh.

Nicole Charnel

What out-of-character colors have you been feeling lately?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nicole's Healthy Hair Regimen (YouTube Video)

Posted by The Natural Brownies

Another Video?!? In two weeks?!? WHAT!! LoL!

Don't have a regimen? Not sure where to start? Hopefully this video will give you a jumping off point.
One of the most important thing about a regimen is figuring out what your hair needs from you.
It's not about the products, it's about the steps!

Thanks for Watching!


Like what you see? Interested in more? Want to request a video?
Thumbs up! Subscribe! Send us an email!!

