I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

When you have gone through certain things in your life, you have no choice but to call on the Master and admit that only He can help you through. About 4 years ago, the longest trial, moment, speed bump, situation in my life just blind sided me.
I was knocked down to the deepest pit and I couldn't get out. Only Christ could help me, mend me, and make me whole again.
I had to remember, this was happening for a reason. This was what i needed to get closer to Him and to do his Kingdom work. It was needed and it helped me realize He was Lord and He deserved my everything. Even when things were good, I should have been focusing on Him.
And no matter how bad things got, I had faith that a better joy was coming...And I am proof that it is.
Trust Him.
Nicole Charnel
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