Monday, October 6, 2014

Growing Out My Nails: 3 Month Count

Since I have been in nail care these past few weeks, I have been watching plenty of nail care videos.
I found one in particular where a women grew her nails out quite long in 3 months. She said her nails do not grow any faster than normal and they are thin as well. So I was hooked and wanted to use some of her technique to grow out my nails and see if it works on anyone.

My nails grow thick but they peel like crazy! One thing she recommended was applying oil daily to your cuticles. I have been using the Burt's Bee's Cuticle Cream for daily use.

Also recommended from another nail-guru was soaking your nails in olive oil for 5-10 min once a week or more. I also added this into my nail regimen but I added Vitamin E and Coconut Oil. 

Last thing I added but wasn't recommended was a growth base coat. The on I got is from American Classics. Not sure yet if it makes a difference because I just started using it but I will let you know how it works for me.                                                                                     .                                                                                                                      So of course I am going to keep track of my growth and keep up on this new regimen to see if my nails really grow better and stronger.
These are my nails at the beginning of this test run, which was last Wednesday [10-1].  I will be updating with picks each month to track the growth as well.

The Beginning, 10-1

As always, thanks for reading!
Nicole Charnel

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